The Venusian parasol

Even if our descendants find a way to remove or substantially alter Venus’s atmosphere, it will be a hot planet and very hot at the equator. Therefore to reduce equatorial temperatures some way will need to be found to block some of the sunlight. This could be done using some sort of umbrella sitting above the planet, however this approach is likely to be both very difficult and hugely expensive.

An alternative would be to introduce something into Venus’s upper atmosphere to do the same job. This could take one of two forms: floating plants which excrete a light gas into an internal float. However with oxygen being the main gas plants breath out these floating plants would sink in an oxygen – nitrogen atmosphere. The alternative would be small machines which capture and concentrate hydrogen or helium into a balloon float. These would float, but would need to be able to repair sun damage to the float itself.

The advantage of floating plants would be that if they could be made to float they would be self repairing and breed. The advantage of the machines would be that they could easily be upgraded.